Embark on a perilous journey through the shadowy depths of Blaze & Wealth, a distinctive card game inspired by the captivating mechanics of Card Crawl. Assume the role of the Pyro-Paladin as you engage in intense battles against menacing goblins, formidable dragons, and a vast array of adversaries utilizing a meticulously curated 54-card deck. The intricacies of your strategic prowess hold the key to your survival, with triumph yielding unparalleled prosperity and the unlocking of formidable new abilities. Shall you possess the indomitable will to conquer the abyss and bask in boundless fortune?
Commence upon your quest by drawing cards and harnessing precious resources in order to overcome relentless foes until every card within the deck has been exhausted. As each turn unfolds, the 4 compartments adorning the dashboard replenish with new cards brimming with potential. Equip your hands and backpack with invaluable resource cards and then confront adversaries by casting spells, enduring direct damage, or utilizing a resilient shield to deflect imminent strikes. Traverse this treacherous path and gather invaluable treasures, expending your well-deserved gold to unlock an impressive array of enigmatic Ability Cards.